Arena's Gate | Seveso Casino Palace |

Arena's Gate

Testo Arena's Gate

The moment has come
You can’t feel your whisper
You’re so blusted
You’re waiting for the start
The motor is hot
Cause of the happiness you got
Hey man listen to your fans!

Yeah dear this is your chance
You know victory’s close
Red light can’t stop my freshness
I don’t care if I die

Come on guy, step on the gas
3, 2, 1 go you got class
And make your car leave a scar
The other racers will eat your dust
(Kick them in the ass)
Think what you do
Go straight turn left go on
Your fans are waiting for you
Show’em what you’re able to do right now

A spiral of smoke
Where I drive along is this
I’m running away
But I wanna stay right here
Get ready to choke
Get ready to race with me
I was born on this track

Yeah dear this is your chance
You know victory’s close
Red light can’t stop my freshness
I don’t care if I die

Come on guy, step on the gas
3, 2, 1 go you got class
And make your car leave a scar
The other racers will eat your dust
(Kick them in the ass)
Think what you do
Go straight turn left go on
Your fans are waiting for you
Show’em what you’re able to do right now

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